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Damian Marley's debut studio album is named, appropriately, "Welcome to Jamrock". This album was released in 1996 by one of the most popular reggae artists in history. He does what so many other would-be big name artists have done - he distributes music for free on the internet. Nowadays, this isn't even a unique idea - many musicians are making their work available online for free download. However, when "Welcome to Jamrock" came out it still felt pretty fresh and revolutionary. Not only did Damian Marley release his album as a free download but he also gave away copies of it as promotional materials with his concerts. In the album's liner notes, he thanks Microsoft for helping him make this idea a reality. Another cool thing about this album is that it is a collaboration between Damian Marley and his father - the most legendary musician in all of reggae history, Bob Marley. Bob worked with Damian to produce "Welcome to Jamrock", a fitting title for a product of such a unique partnership. "Welcome To Jamrock" features lyrics that are thoughtful and socially conscious without being too preachy or dense. The story he tells is one of the dispossessed working class - people who have been abandoned by society and left to fend for themselves in any way they can. These lyrics are filled with deep themes like the legacy of oppression, the fight for independence (both political and spiritual), personal growth, poverty, injustice, and war. The theme of the album is one of struggle, especially against "the system". This is not to say that Damian Marley is an advocate for anarchy or anything like this. Instead he talks about people getting tired of "the game" and wanting to change how things are run. This is a very relevant topic in today's society, where so many people are dissatisfied with what they see happening in the world and begin to question the system. The album is also filled with many positive messages about love and unity. Even though there's lots of spiteful, selfish, hateful things going on in the world - this album is full of positive things that can help bring people together. Nowadays "Welcome to Jamrock" still has the power to touch people - but it's probably more for its nostalgia than anything else. The very first time I listened to it I was just over 15 years old. The album begins with a short intro, maybe only 10 seconds long. Then comes "No More Trouble", a classic reggae tune about overcoming oppression and fighting for one's right to be free. Damian also brings up another important theme of the album - the fight against poverty. "Welcome to Jamrock" is an upbeat song that never stops grooving - even though it features some very dark and depressing lyrics about his hometown. There is a video that goes along with this song where Damian Marley follows in his father's footsteps and travels around Africa looking for the source of his music, love, and inspiration. cfa1e77820